Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The First Curse Word on This Blog

And just when I thought I was numb:

Just when I thought the pain couldn't get any worse, I found out tonight that my second child and his wife bought a house. I'm a realtor. They didn't use me. I am a little hurt by it, but figure they lost out since my closing gift to them would have been my commission (minus what I have to pay in taxes and to my broker). On a $150K house (I don't know what their purchase price really is) that would have been a closing gift of $2160 (cash). Hmm, wonder if their agent (if they used one) will match or beat that. Think not!

A little back story here: I spoke with this child twice on my b-day last Saturday. And my child Number 3 was here for 48 hours straight this past weekend. And Big Guy knew about the house. Apparently it's a big secret from Mom.

But what really hurts (and it took me a couple of hours to realize this) is that the future Mrs. C (on Big Guy's phone as Future Mom) knows about the house.

I wish the children could see that there was another side to this divorce. However, one parent has chosen to keep the children out of it. And it wasn't Mr. C.

It's been a really sh*tty 10 days and I don't see it getting any better.

No happy knitting. Only a broken heart.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dad's X-Wife

That's how my phone number is identified in the new cell phone Mr. C bought for Big Guy.

And just when I thought my feelings couldn't be hurt any worse than they already had been.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Baby Wrap and Other Things

I can't believe I forgot to post this! This sweater was done last year for a niece's daughter, Brynley, who was born in December. It's from Cool Knits for Kids and made from Cotton-Ease. The baby is in a warm climate (think Christmas with 70 degree temps except this winter when my sister, the baby's grandma, took the snow with her down south) and also the third child so Mom needed something easy care. I made some modifications such as actually knitting the front band on instead of knitting separately and then sewing on.

This scarf is One Row Scarf from The Yarn Harlot. It was a very fun, fast, and easy knit. When I took it to work to show off it matched a co-workers sweater so it became hers. This was stash yarn and it was written in Japanese so I have no clue what it was called, but it sure is pretty!

These are hats I did for charity. One of the ladies at the office was getting a knitting class together for the LDS Humanitarian Project and I offered to do a couple and to donate some kits for the ladies who participated. The yarn is just acrylic baby yarn and the pattern on the left is from Cottage Creations book Projects for the Community. The one on the left is just a basic hat pattern.

This hat and bootee (spell check wants it spelled this way) set didn't photograph very well. The actual hat color is brown with lavender trim! The hat is from Knit Baby Head & Toes. And the booties are from Cool Knits for Kids. I made these to match an outfit an office worker's daughter had bought for her daughter. I wish I had paid more attention to the color of the photograph and gotten it correctly because it really is a striking color combination.

Check out the counters on the sidebar. I'm the team captain for The Stream Team (Race for the Cure). If you want to pretend we're The Stream Team because we're so streamlined feel free to do so. But the truth is the Urologist I work for is sponsoring our team and he named us. So the stream refers to something totally not so pleasant! You will be seeing some knitting related to The Race for the Cure. More about that later.

The other counter is for weight loss. Duh.

Running will be found here from now on.

Dish cloth knitting will be found here.

Happy Knitting!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Heart Felt Sunday

Today I made this rose! It's a needle felting mold from Clover. It was amazingly easy and took only about an hour--not bad for the first attempt. The reason I titled it Heart Felt is because it's three different sizes of felted hearts made into this rose corsage. I've done lots of felting (fulling) in the washing machine but this was my first attempt at needle felting. I can hardly wait to order the hedgehog mold (probably not 3-D). It think it will be so cute on a tote. Go check out the Clover site.

Check out what Millicent (the cat) did to my laptop mouse. She chewed it up. Last spring she chewed through a wire on my electric blanket after I had put it in storage. Luckily she's smart enough not to chew on anything plugged in. And that's amazing considering she fell off the bed not once but twice the other night while she was chasing her tail. That dang tail gets so wound up at bedtime.

And this is Kyler's Kardigan from Cottage Creations. It was made for my niece's daughter, LaLa. And her Aunt Kate picked out the buttons. The yarn is Paton's Decor. This sweater has an option for a zipper and the mom is probably going to wish I had used a zipper since these buttons are a little "catchy" on the buttonhole.

On the "running" front, I am gearing up for the Race for the Cure on May 8. I'm hoping to be able to run the whole 5K, but will still be happy if I have to walk part of it. A year and a half ago I finished a 5K running program, but once I got to where I could run 25-30 minutes at a time I was done. I'd accomplished my goal--but not run a race. But now one of the women I work with is a runner and it's inspired me to try again.

Happy Knitting