Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Finished Projects!

I can't believe I finally finished this. It was knit more than a year ago for a friend's birthday. But when I went to line it I couldn't find the knit part. Then I made the lining but couldn't find the handles. Then I moved. Then I found the handles, but couldn't find the bag and lining. This past weekend I decided it was do or die on this since it was a year overdo (a really good friend to be so patient). I bought new handles. Then I couldn't find the bag and lining. I could picture which sack it was in, but couldn't find it. I went through every box and yarn container in my basement looking for it. I finally decided I would just have to reknit the bag and suddenly I remembered where I had put it--in the container next to the sofa so that I could finish it. And the handles were there! But I like the new ones better. Details: Ticker Taper "yarn" by Moda Dea, color Sunset, one skein. I don't remember what size needles. The pattern is Chinese Charm Bag from Stitch and Bitch. It was actually the second one of these bags I've done for gifts.

This year's b-day gift for the same person. I gave her both presents today and she was so sweet about the one being over a year late and this one being 2 weeks late. Like I said, a good friend. This is Bathing Beauties by Fiber Trends, Grace (Patons) cotton yarn. Size 3 needles. A quick and fun knit.

Okay, I'm dang proud of these socks. I started them May 1 and finished them today, May 6. Here's why the dedication to getting them done. Unraveled Sheep in Sandy is having a sock knitting contest and I really, really wanted to be the first person to get an entry in and I was. They are Leaf Lace Socks by Fiber Trends. Sleeping Dragon yarn in Mossy Frog. Size 0 and 1 needles--next time I'll use 1 and 2. These are the socks I was knitting when I broke the circular needle.

Big Guy is still sick so I've gotten lots of knitting (and ironing done).

Happy Knitting!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Broken Hearted

I was at the pediatrician's office this afternoon and knitting away on a sock when look what happened to my needle! I've never had one break like that before. I must have been tugging too hard when I pulled the stitches through. Even though I have "emergency knitting" in the car, I didn't want to leave Big Guy to run out to the car. I was reduced to reading about vaccines while I waited for the doctor. Big Guy has a virus which presents a lot like strep. Nothing but time will make him feel better. I'm very sorry he's not feeling well, but being a Knitter I look on the bright side: lots more knitting time!

Look who was in Salt Lake yesterday. The Yarn Harlot! She gave a great presentation as always. The King's English Book Store even had copies of her books for purchase. That was really nice since I hadn't been able to find her most recent one anywhere.

Almost every Friday night for the past two months I have had dinner with several well known, well recognized local media people. I've never been tongue tied or stumped for an answer around them. Yesterday while waiting for the Yarn Harlot to start I was returning to the auditorium from the restroom. One of the library employees was walking with a woman. He directed me to the front entrance of the auditorium, when I turned to thank him I realized who he was escorting--Stephanie Pearl-McPhee aka The Yarn Harlot. Words totally failed me. I could not remember her name, my manners, or even my name. This was my clever statement: "OH! Hi (long pause). It's you I'm here to see." (DUH!) Maybe the local media should take up knitting and I'd be quiet.

The Unraveled Sheep in Sandy is having a sock knitting contest (among other contests) this summer. So guess what there will be a lot of on this blog?

Happy Knitting!