Catch Up
Here are the bowls post felting. I'm really pleased with how they turned out--especially after all my false starts. I learned something when I was felting them: Don't use the mesh laundry bags and towels. The bowls ended up with lots of lint. I had to refelt them using jeans. I think I'll get a pillowcase and add a zipper for future projects. These were April's present for my sister in Washington.
No pictures of this month's most popular items: eight dishcloths for a friend who moved to Florida. This woman has everything she could possibly need, but everyone needs more dishcloths right? So I knit a Utah one, a Florida one, a palm tree, a flamingo, and four textured cloths. All in incredibly bright colors. Wish I'd thought to look for an alligator one since Gators are a FL football team. I did luck out and did a two color cloth in green and orange--the Gator colors. I didn't know those are the Gator colors. I almost frogged the cloth because it was so garish.
Happy Knitting!